Walk & Talk Therapy

I hold certification in Ecotherapy & Walk and Talk Counselling.


Walk & Talk Therapy allows a client to walk side by side with the therapist, on the move, out in nature. I have seen the positive client benefits of taking therapy outdoors. I believe walking together can help promote a much freer feeling, often making it easier to open up and explore your thoughts.

What is ‘Walk and Talk Therapy’ and what are the Benefits?

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” –Albert Einstein

Walk and Talk Therapy give clients the opportunity to receive counselling in a different setting, which may suit them better as an alternatives to the traditional set up in a therapy room. Being out in nature has a therapeutic effect in terms of emotional well-being, and the underlying principle is to harness these benefits and enjoy some fresh air during the counselling process. For many people, being indoors can be constraining and so they may well appreciate an alternative where possible.

Walking together can feel very supportive and some clients find this less intimidating than a traditional face to face session.

Walking in nature can also help clients to feel more grounded. Being grounded means that you are present in your body, connected with the earth, and allowing yourself to feel centred and balanced no matter what is going on around you.

The positive effects of this style of therapy include lowering  blood pressure, stress and inflammation in the body. There is a restorative effect on mental fatigue and decreased levels of anxiety and depression.